In the Beginning, God...


In the beginning, God…” No greater beginning can be conceived than the book of Genesis which gives the whole of creation and all of humanity a radical orientation around a majestic God-centered vision of life.  The Bible clearly lays out its programmatic emphasis in its first four words (actually only two in the Hebrew). The sublime beginning of Genesis reminds us what we are often prone to forget: that God, rather than humanity, lies at the center of the cosmos.  Our propensity to make our own lives the center of our story is fool’s gold, a cheap counterfeit which cheapens the impact of the Genesis message which symbolically re-orientates our lives with God at the center of our lives rather than at the periphery.

The beginning of Genesis births not only the cosmos but also an invaluable teaching message for all time: all of life is about God. What a beautiful beginning, full of symbolic meaning for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear!

I believe in symbolic meanings, especially at the beginning of my pastoral ministry.  Unbeknownst to many, my first Sunday at Trinity Wellsprings Church was actually last Sunday!  I wanted to communicate to you, at least symbolically, that my pastoral ministry began with me doing two things.  First, I wanted to begin my ministry among you sitting under the Word of God.  At Trinity Wellsprings Church, the Word of God is primary, not the preacher!  We stake our lives of discipleship and our vision of the church upon the life-transforming Word of God. I sat in the 8:00 am service mindful that my ministry among you can only have a lasting impact insofar as I am faithful in sitting under the Word of God and its authority.

Second, I was delighted at 9:00 am and 10:30 am to meet a vital and essential part of our church family: our students and children. Make no mistake about it, our children and youth form the backbone of our church family! I am excited to get to know all of our adult members but I am equally enthusiastic about communicating a simple message to our children and youth: “I feel privileged to be your pastor as well!”

Brothers and sisters, I am excited to be here and lean into all that God has in store for us as a church family!

Be encouraged,
Pastor Jason

Jason Carter